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на сайте "Тёмного леса":
история, география, краеведение
естествознание и философия
песни и романсы
фотографии и рисунки
Вячеслав Сергеевич Яновский. Кандидат исторических наук, краевед, публицист, поэт, корреспондент журнала "Современный Кавказ". Родился в 1984 году в г. Иваново Ивановской области. С 1985 года живет в г. Кисловодске. Направления исследований: История городов Северного Кавказа, курортов России, история и культура северокавказских народов.


Yanovsky Vyacheslav S. (b. 1984). Kislovodsk (Russia).

Candidate of historical science, researcher of local history, publicist, poet, correspondent of the magazine "Modern Caucasus". Areas of research: urban history of the North-Caucasian region, the history of the russian recreation centres, ethnic history and culture of North-Caucasus.

Here, on this web page, you can find several articles (in russian language) about the history of Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and other caucasian recreation centres. This page also contains an album with old pictures of Kislovodsk and two books (in russian language). The title of the first book is "Two Centuries Near The Heroic Spring (The Chronicle of Kislovodsk)". It is devoted to events of Kislovodsk's history from 1803 till 2010. The second book is the scientific publication with the title "The Recreation Towns of Russia as an Object of the Urban Management at the End of the 19th - Beginning of the 20th Century". It is devoted to the influence of the State and municipal authorities on the social and economic development of these towns.


